Título: Swift Fundamentals The Language of iOS Development

Escrito por Mark Lassoff y Thomas Stachowitz

Swift Fundamentals The Language of iOS Development de Mark Lassoff y Thomas Stachowitz


Have you been wanting to develop Apps for iOS but don’t have the prerequisite language skills? Have you tried other iOS books and the code just went over your head? Do you feel like you need a little more coding experience before tackling mobile? Do you want to get a head start on iOS8 development?

There is no mobile platform that has proved more dominant– or more lucrative than iOS!

If you’re planning on creating native iOS apps, you must know Swift. Swift is an easy-to-learn and powerful language that is used to create iOS8 and OSX apps in the very near future. Companies are scrambling to hire Swift developers and those with aspirations to create iOS apps are learning it as fast as they can.

Author Mark Lassoff is a master-instructor with years of teaching experience. You’ll master the Swift programming language as you complete the multiple lab exercises that are both interesting and engaging. Dozens and dozens of code examples are available for you to load up and study.

Over 150,000 people have learned programming from Mark Lassoff– this book is one of his best. If you want to learn Swift and become an iOS8 developer, this is your book.


Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 3963 KB
Longitud de impresión: 328 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: LearnToProgram.tv, Inc. (22 de septiembre de 2014)
Idioma: Inglés

Descargar Swift Fundamentals The Language of iOS Development de Mark Lassoff y Thomas Stachowitz





What a great book! I always wanted to know how to …
What a great book! I always wanted to know how to program an iPhone app – turns out it is easier than I thought. At least a basic program that is. If you are newer to programming (like me) the book wont be enough information to create the next «angry birds» app, but it walks you through the process to develop a basic app and provides a strong foundation for more complex apps. I now believe I can write programs!
I am not sure if Swift is just an easier language to learn than others I have tried or that this book is just better at teaching the concepts, but something clicked. It isn’t just a list of functions and how to use them, the book teaches the whole concept of programming while using the Swift programming language. Each chapter begins with describing what you will learn and how the info fits into the big picture. It finishes with a self test that reinforces what you just learned and indicates whether you understood the concepts. They also have «lab exercises.» I strongly suggest you don’t blow these off. They have you write code and see your program work as you learn each new concept. This cements what you learned with a «hands on» process. I was able to see the big picture as well as learn a ton of detailed concepts. I am now hungry to learn more. I gotta say, I am excited about the possibilities.

From beginner to excited amatuer
WOW!! This is great! Finally a book about programming that doesn’t read like a tech manual. I learned more in the first 150 pages, than I have watching video tutorials in the past few months.

Want to be an IOS 8 apps Maker?
Most Book won’t explain in detail the meaning of every word in programming language, but Mark take the time to include every explanation of the programming word, I am a beginner, so sometimes I need to understand what the word function is before I can remember them. The book is explained in a really good steps, that will make you «Aha!» every time. I sincerely recommend the book for everyone who wants to learn how to program in IOS8

26 septiembre, 2014 a las 8:15 pm por Ebooks
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